Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Famous Hungarian Lángos

Some weeks ago I was wandering the streets of Budapest, and I bumped into this small hut, where they were busy with making some world famous Hungarian old fashioned bread lángos.

Bread lángos is basically a fried flat bread made of dough with flour, yeast and salt. 

According to some sources it originates from the 16-17th century, when the Turkish troops invaded the country, and occupied almost half of it for over a century. Some food historians say that it has close links with the Turkish pita bread.

Traditionally - when people still used brick ovens for baking - on the day when the new bread was made, there always remained some pieces which were baked close to the flames, or on the stone, and they were served for breakfast with onion, sour cream or marmalade. That was lángos for the old times.
In modern times, we no longer bake them in ovens, instead it is cooked in deep fried oil and later it is served with different toppings.

The most popular type of it is with sour cream, cheese and some garlic, called the Sajtos-tejfölös lángos. It is very popular at times of summer festivals, or on the beach next to lake Balaton for lunchtime. Other types of lángos can be served with mushroom, meat, quark cheese, cabbage, bacon or even with sausage. 

It's a must at times of festivals in Hungary.
Try & Enjoy!

Dorina Gyurkócza

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading this one, very informative. How do you pronounce Lángos?:)
