Thursday, December 13, 2012

Winter Electric Blanket

Winter has arrived officially in Shanghai.

And I, coming from a tropical country, just declared a cold war from this freezing season. I have unpacked my winter coats and my amazing electronic blanket in order to survive this war. Yes, you heard that right.

An electronic blanket.

Despite many people contradicted to the idea of sleeping under a blanket with electricity operated heating system plugged into a socket, I embraced the invention and found heaven in winter time.

Well, for anyone who is currently living in Shanghai, you would agree that the temperature here seems to be doubled as it supposed to be. Yeah I here you talk, could it be that my tropical DNAs just doesn’t fit the weather? But then again, my German flatmate and Norwegian classmate couldn’t agree less. It is just painfully cold. And the reason why? The buildings aren’t designed and constructed for winter and cold. You get lucky when your AC-that-turns-into-Heater works well; otherwise you suffer badly…very, very, badly.

I was living with a Filipino foster family in Shanghai in 2009 when I first encountered this electric blanket under my bed sheet. I thought to myself, “What is this thing, are they secretly planning to torture me?” I felt the need to ask about it to figure out what in the world it is. And certainly, I found myself wronged.

It has been the best winter companion in my entire existence in Shanghai. It is an absolute cure to winter madness. I strongly recommend it.

But if you are uncomfortable with the idea, you can still get a portable heater which you can move around the house as needed if your AC/Heater is not enough; unless you have a house with a floor heating system and a magnificent superb heating system that gives a tropical country atmosphere, I would love to be invited.

Still just in case you are considering of trying one, I have compiled a few comparisons on where to buy and how much it costs. (This only applies to Shanghai, China; prices are in Renminbi)

I went to Carrefour in Longzhimeng Mall in Zhongshan Park to check on some prices.


Catherine Valencia


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